Monday, August 31, 2020

Harris Nails It

Democratic vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris has a problem, guys, with Donald Trump insisting that Democratic policies will unleash a nightmarish future for America if she and Joe Biden are elected in November.  That's why, she took to a podium Thursday afternoon to offer a "prebuttal" against Trump's anti-Biden nomination acceptance speech for the Republican convention (which I refused to watch).
She laid out the case like the lawyer she is, explaining how Trump always makes incendiary comments in the wake of police shootings of blacks to incite more violence that he can blame on the Democrats. She also went after Trump on the pandemic, making the case of how he bungled the initial response to COVID-19 back in January and tried to devolve responsibility for handling it to the states.
"Donald Trump froze. He was scared. And he was petty and vindictive," Harris said, adding that he was  "fixated on the stock market" and "caved" to the Chinese government in order to preserve his chances for re-election. 
Did I once say that she has a shrill voice?  Funny, it's suddenly sounding a lot more pleasant! :-D 
Harris's speech was a prelude to a two-minute ad that the Biden campaign aired on all three broadcast networks and on Fox News before the convention. The ad slams Trump for the way he's handing the issues while mainly putting a positive spin on Biden's accomplishments.
So if you'd been wondering if Biden and Harris were going to counterprogram Trump during the Republican convention, well, there you are.  Okay, maybe they should have done it sooner - Biden, by the way, went on MSNBC and CNN to condemn Trump just before Harris's speech, though with less energy - but better late than never.
Expect more of this from the Democrats.  And now we know why Biden chose Harris to be his running mate.  

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