Sunday, August 23, 2020

Biden Nails It

Joe Biden did what he had to do in his presidential nomination acceptance speech - he not only hit out out of park, he had a grand slam, getting the issues on each loaded base - the pandemic, the recession, and racial strife - over home plate, with climate change as the fourth home run. 
The former Vice President touched on these issues and summed up his plans for tackling them as President, and he did it with a message of compassion and patriotism with a tone of hope and faith, saying it was time for Americans to rise up and provide light over darkness.  He anchored his principles and beliefs in his personal story and his resolve to overcome tragedy and tribulations.   And he did it all without mentioning Trump by name.
This gets Biden off to a good start, and he has to keep up the soaring rhetoric for the next two months and change.  And here's one caveat - the Republicans hold their convention this week. Expect withering attacks on Biden from Republican speakers, and expect them - and Trump in particular - to twist Biden's words and take them out of context to the point where he's depicted as the second coming of Pol Pot. 
And, if that doesn't work, mail-in ballot delays and Kanye West on several state ballots ought to do the job.
I'ts not over, fellow Biden supporters.  Don't take anything for granted.  In the meantime, find something better to do than watching the Republican convention.  Like chewing on tin foil, the kind QAnon make their hats from.  

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