Monday, November 11, 2019

Sanders. Warren. No.

There will be no progressive revival in 2020.
Let me repeat that - there will be no progressive revival in 2020!
Which means that neither Bernie Sanders nor Elizabeth Warren will be President.
Deal with it.
And why do I say all of this? Because now is not the time for a progressive revival.  As someone who in 2016 did in fact support a Democratic presidential candidate who ran to the left of the eventual Democratic nominee (though Martin O'Malley was not liberal enough to satisfy Bernie bros), I don't like to admit this, but the simple fact is this. In 2016, after eight years of Barack Obama's accomplishments, we were in a moment to move forward and go farther under a more liberal Chief Executive, but that moment has long since passed.  Because in 2016, Democrats played it safe with a centrist nominee in Hillary Clinton, and Trump, who promised sweeping change - ironically, a selling point for Sanders' own 2016 campaign - won the Presidency.  Since then, Trump has not only erased Obama's accomplishments, he's violated all of the norms that existed in Washington long before Obama came along.  In short, Trump has taken the country too far back from where we were in 2016 for us to simply pick up where we left off then.
Even if we were in a position to go far left at this time, we're too exhausted by Trump's governance to move ahead.  Now more than ever, we need moderation.  Universal medical insurance and taxing the rich will have to wait, as well several other progressive pipedreams - even modernizing Amtrak, a pet policy of Joe Biden (and myself).  We need to get back to where we were in 2016 before we can move on to the bigger, better and greater things Sanders and Warren talk about, and it will take at least four years for us to get back to where we were.  And it won't be easy.  
The Presidency, you might recall, changed parties in 1920, from Democrat Woodrow Wilson to Republican Warren Harding, after a tumultuous period that left Americans exhausted (which included a world war).  "Back to normalcy" was the winning slogan in 1920, and it's going to be the winning slogan in 2020.  
As for Bernie and Liz, well, they'll at least still have their Senate seats.

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