Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Clarification: November 19, 2019

In a post I wrote last month about impeachment, I said, in reference to the death of House Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings, that, "at this juncture, saying that the House Oversight Committee seems like saying that Led Zeppelin could get another drummer after John Bonham died."  Oops!  That doesn't make sense!  I meant to say that, "at this juncture, saying that the House Oversight Committee could get another chairman seems like saying that Led Zeppelin could get another drummer after John Bonham died."  Sorry, I was thinking faster than I was typing, and I was trying to get the post out quickly.  That's the risk when you comment on timely events and you have to get it out fast.  The nonsensical sentence, which  I regret, has been rewritten and clarified.  

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