Donald Trump is so intolerant of Muslims that he had trouble condemning the mosque attacks in New Zealand, a country that couldn't be farther away from America or anywhere else. When fifty people died in those attacks, the most he could do was say how terrible it was - because what else could it be? - while offering no consolation to the survivors or to Muslims worldwide.
He also said that he doesn't see white nationalism as a rising threat. Well, of course, since he thought there were good people on both sides of the Charlottesville demonstrations. Even if you take into account the greater problem of white nationalism in Europe as opposed to the United States, Canada or even New Zealand - countries that were all founded by non-indigenous settlers and have welcomed immigrants thereafter, as opposed to European countries that arose from indigenous populations - well, it's still a great problem everywhere. And how is it that white terrorist groups like the Klan are called "secret societies?" Why aren't acts of white nationalist violence taken as seriously as al-Qaeda or ISIS?
I'm too flabbergasted to say any more . . .
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