Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Nastasia Urbano Speaks . . . Again

As I type this blog entry with snow and sleet accumulating outside my window, I am happy to report that my friend, Spanish model Nastasia Urbano (below), is staying with a friend for the time being.  In the meantime, the GoFundMe page set up to help her get out of her homelessness plight has raised €4,260 (US$4,815.61), the ultimate goal being €6,000 (now US$6,872, based on an exchange rate of US$1.13 to the euro).  That's 71 percent of funds needed raised in just eight days based on contributions from 180 people.
But numbers don't tell the whole story - in fact, they don't tell a story at all.  The massive outpouring of support for this lovely woman is a remarkable display of love, affection, and fondness toward her, and it only shows how Nastasia, though she retired from modeling to return to Spain and become a mom in the early nineties, has remained in the hearts of those who are her friends, her fans, or both. She is still one of the sweetest women to work in the modeling profession, a quality she was able to project in her career, like in this adorable cover photo from the July 1984 edition of Redbook (one of the last Redbook covers to feature a professional model before that magazine switched to putting movie and TV stars on its cover).
Nastasia has been so touched by the love and support she's received that she has made two videos thanking everyone who has contributed to her GoFundMe page - one in Spanish, the other in English.  Here is the English-language version.

And I want to thank her for letting me be a part of her life, just as she's been a part of mine. :-)
The six thousand euros we hope to raise will allow Nastasia to rent a small apartment for a few months while she gets her lief back together and makes plans to return to modeling at a time when models her age - 57 - are in great demand.  I'll let you all here know when the six-thousand-euro goal has been reached. 

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