Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Very Brief Post About the State of the Union Speech

I want to call out Donald Trump on every lie he told at the delayed State of the Union address this past Tuesday, such as his mischaracterization of the New York State abortion law and his over-the-top lies about the southern border, but if I did that,  I'd develop rigor mortis from sitting at my PC for hours to document them.  And blow's available bandwidth.
So I'll just say this.  If future State of the Union addresses are going to have displays of ardent nationalism on the floor of the House of Representatives - chants of "U-S-A!  U-S-A!" from the Republicans - we should go back to having the annual presidential message to Congress delivered by a clerk.  Good grief, Congress looks more like the Berlin Reichstag these days!
Virginia? Please, one disaster at a time . . . I'll get to that later.

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