Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Prez Trumps The Law

Can we impeach Trump yet?  Because I'm getting sick and tired of him even more than I already was.
Now it turns out that the FBI has been investigating Trump for working as Vladimir Putin's client head of state, pretty much running the United States the way the Russians want him to.  And there's even a report that he considered withdrawing the U.S. from . . . NATO!
Meanwhile, while Robert Mueller is zeroing in on whether Trump colluded with the Russians (isn't that obvious by now?), former Attorney General William Barr is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee to get his old job back, and he's likely to get it, even though there is plenty of reason to be concerned about him.  He thinks that the President should have greater power and always have the upper hand over the other branches of government.  He's making enough promises that Mueller will be able to complete his investigation and being just evasive enough to re-assure Trump.
We're entering our third year of Trump.  I have a feeling it will all turn out like this . . .

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