Monday, January 7, 2019

No, Wisconsin

Scott Walker serves his long-awaited last day as governor of Wisconsin today.  But any hopes of the Badger State following the advice of its own motto ("Forward") was quickly dispelled by the Republican legislature passing - and Walker signing - legislation severely limiting the power of his Democratic successor, Tony Evers (below), as well as that of the incoming Democratic Attorney General, Josh Kaul.  (Kaul can't stop the state lawsuit against the Affordable Care Act currently pending.)
To make matters worse . . . well, injury, meet insult.  Evers has said that he will not challenge in court the new laws limiting his and Kaul's power, as he'd promised.  He said that he went over a possible legal challenge with lawyers and found that he's have to sue the whole Wisconsin state government, including the executive branch - that is, he'd have to sue himself.
I can think of something else he can do to himself.
Democrats will continue to disappoint and disgust as long as they're too afraid to fight back against the Republicans as hard as the Republicans kick them.  Evers says he still hopes to be an effective governor by directing - ready for this? - economic policy.
With a Republican legislature.
Good luck, Tony - just don't expect me to put much faith in your way of "governing!" 

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