Monday, January 28, 2019

Hillary 3.0 2020?

Just when I thought it was safe to go back into the 2020 presidential campaign . . .
. . . the legend continues.
Hillary Clinton, who went into the 2008 presidential campaign against Barack Obama thinking that she was owed the Democratic nomination, she being a former First Lady and all, and got the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination through a rigged process only to find out that enough voters in the Rust Belt disliked her enough to swing the 2016 election to Trump, hasn't ruled out running again in 2020!  She might actually do it!
"Clinton is telling people that she's not closing the doors to the idea of running in 2020,” CNN's Jeff Zeleny said recently on the CNN (for Clinton  News Network) program "Inside Politics." "I'm told by three people that as recently as this week, she was telling people that, given all this news from the indictments, particularly the Roger Stone indictment, she talked to several people, saying 'Look, I’m not closing the doors to this.'"
No!  No more!  I'm closing the door on it!  And so should everyone else!  This woman should not be allowed anywhere near a debate lectern.
I'm so disgusted.  My candidate from 2016 isn't running this time - and would probably be laughed out of the race again if he did - and those egomaniacs Hillary and Bernie most likely will run again.  None of the other candidates have inspired me enough to get enthused about 2020 - least of all showboater Kamala Harris or Hamlet-on-the-Rio Grande Beto O'Rourke.   Looks like we get four more years of Trump.  I am so out of this presidential campaign season.
Really out.

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