Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane Ever

That would be Irma.
This storm is expected to make Katrina look like a drizzle.  Its path of destruction will likely surpass that of Harvey.  No more powerful hurricane has ever been recorded in the Atlantic basin. 
It's a Category 5 hurricane, meaning its winds are over 157 miles an hour.  Well over 157 miles an hour - 185, to be exact.  That's as fast as Joe Walsh's Maserati!
If you live in Florida, life won't be good to you much longer.  Irma is widely expected to ravage the state and possibly make landfall there.  Even if it doesn't make landfall there and does so over South Carolina or Georgia, it will do more than enough damage.  
And to think Rick Scott, Florida's governor, still doesn't want to guess one way or the other about climate change.  And in this flat state, surrounded by water on three sides, he's barred anyone in the state government from even discussing it.
There is a special place in hell for Richard Lynn Scott. >:-(     

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