Monday, August 22, 2016

Hiatus Time!

I'm worn out from my Olympic commentary, as always, though I didn't go all out like I did during the 2012  London Games.  Except for a new Music Video Of the Week this coming Friday, I won't post here again until August 31 at the earliest.  Besides, I have yet another project to finish to bring this blog up to speed.
Here's the thing.  While I said I was not going to add labels to all the posts that I never did label, I had to go back to the posts I did label between February 2009, when I first started using labels, and April 2012, when I stopped.  I stopped because, in April 2012, redesigned its site, and as a result it could no longer support Internet Explorer 8, my preferred Internet browser at the time. So I had to download Google Chrome, a browser that, non-coincidentally, Google-owned could support.  Part of the redesign of included a requirement to separate labels with commas rather than separate them with quotation marks, as I'd been doing.  But in using commas, I found that the labels were being automatically posted in alphabetical order, which isn't always necessarily the order I placed them in or wanted them in.  As I thus had no control over the order of my labels, I decided not to post labels any more.  But my friend Clarisel said I should, in order to draw more eyes to my blog.  So I resumed using labels this month.
But here's the problem; the labels I had separated with quotation marks between February 2009 and April 2012 were not automatically separated by commas after made the change from separation by quotation marks.  So, a blog post with, say, ten labels before that change suddenly had one long, run-on label instead.  Does that mean I have to separate the old labels with commas myself?  You got it, pal!
So that's what I'll be doing between now and when I get back, and maybe some time after.  I hope to have this all done before Labor Day.  

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