Thursday, September 24, 2015

Scott Wanker

In my post decrying Scott Walker's entry into the 2016 Republican presidential campaign (not to confused with my post decrying his very existence), I wrote how he seemed unstoppable.  "Walker's opponents for the Republican presidential nomination . . . may call him on his many weaknesses," I wrote.  "But only Scott Walker can kill Scott Walker."
Well, I was right, because that's pretty much what happened! :-D
Walker's "suspension" of his presidential campaign (does that mean he may make a comeback, like Duran Duran?) ended one of the least inspirational and most implausible campaigns for the White House in American history.  And he was the reason for its failure.  As a conservative, he was expected to have appalling ideas, but he should have at least been expected to be consistent.   But he constantly changed his mind on birthright citizenship and ethanol subsidies, and he couldn't decide whether religious Islamic extremists were a minority or the majority of Muslims.  Much of the energy from the white resentment that catapulted Walker to power in Wisconsin in 2010 was captured in the 2016 presidential campaign by Donald Trump.  Ironically, it was Trump himself who took a shot Walker's appalling economic record in Wisconsin while campaigning in Iowa, where Scottzo once led in the polls.  And if Walker hadn't said stupid things like comparing union workers to ISIS or talking about the possibility of securing the border with Canada, he may have found a way survive such attacks on his stewardship of the Badger State, just as he survived the Democratic gubernatorial candidates he defeated, Tom Barrett twice (once in a recall) and Mary Burke once.   It also would have helped if he hadn't been so much like Pinocchio - by that I don't just mean that he was a lying puppet, but that he was wooden and fake.   But unlike Pinocchio, Walker turned into a complete ass when his fun was over.
It's so gratifying and refreshing to see a rising star in the Republican party plummet to earth, particularly at a time when that usually happens to Democrats.  And even though there are no term limits for the governorship of Wisconsin, it's hard to imagine Walker winning a third term in 2018.  In fact, he's so unpopular, even his fellow Republicans in Madison - who control both houses of the legislature - are ticked off at him.  Whenever he leaves, only Walker's departure from the governorship of Wisconsin can allow the state to move "forward."
Stick a fork in him; he's done.  

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