Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The New Year

Have I made any new year's resolutions? Well, I've resolved to read more novels, go to bed earlier, go to the gym more often, and try to stick to all these resolutions well after Martin Luther King Day.  I also resolved to stop buying decorative page-a-day calendars with cartoons and jokes on them; I sometimes forget to tear a page off, sometimes for days, and other times I do no more than glance at the cartoon or joke on the page. They're a waste of time and money. 
Also, given the failure of the government to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff" - as of this writing , the Senate passed a compromise bill to do so two hours after the deadline, with the House voting on it later today - I've resolved not to expect anything from my country or the people who run it.  And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what your country can do for itself.
The answer: Not much! 

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