Sunday, December 30, 2012

Let's Do It Again

I have come to the following conclusion.  No Democrat planning to run for John Kerry's Senate seat in Massachusetts can defeat Scott Brown.  In addition to Edward Markey, House members Michael Capuano and Stephen Lynch have expressed interest.  Brownie leads all of them in the polls.  There's only one person who can defeat Scott Brown, and I hope she gets into the campaign.  I'm not talking about Niki Tsongas.  I'm talking about someone whom I know can defeat Scott Brown because she already has.
I'm talking about Elizabeth Warren.

Wait a minute, you're asking, how can Elizabeth Warren run against Scott Brown for John Kerry's Senate seat when she's already been elected to Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat? She can't.  But I didn't suggest that Elizabeth Warren run for John Kerry's Senate seat.  I only suggested that she get into the campaign.
What I'm suggesting is that Elizabeth Warren should go out and campaign for the eventual Democratic nominee - no, with the eventual Democratic nominee - and win the election for him or her, since it's obvious that no Bay State Democrat is capable of winning it without her help.  All Mrs. Warren has to do is point out that she's a Democratic U.S. Senator fighting for the interests of a Democratic state . . . and that the last thing Massachusetts needs is a Republican U.S. Senator who's going to cancel out her vote.

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