Monday, October 1, 2012

Record Review Hiatus

I'm taking the month of October off from publishing LP reviews on Sundays.  The presidential campaign is heating up, so I'm obviously going to concentrate more on that (must I? I must!), and I also have other things on my plate that I need to take care of.  So, unless I decide later in the month to cut my hiatus short, I'll most likely return to it on November 4.
While I have plenty of records, and have heard but do not own other records (like Thriller), that I have not  yet reviewed, it's difficult enough to explain them in words with everything else going on around me.  Elvis Costello once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture.  Writing intelligently about a record requires time and care, and for October at least, I don't see the opportunity for either.  In the meantime, please keep enjoying my Music Video Of the Week feature, as I prepare to honor a big half-century anniversary (a golden jubilee) on October 5. :-)  

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