Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Novel Solution For Ending the Afghanistan War

A lot of people are wringing their hands over the inability of the United States to bring peace to Afghanistan.  How is it that the United States, with the world's largest army ,the world's mightiest air force, and the world's biggest bombs, can't bring the Taliban to their knees?  I think I have an idea - a modest proposal, if you will - about who could bring the war to a successful end for the U.S. and NATO.  See, the U.S. is a big country. Despite its huge military and its vast resources, we can't get the job done.
Now, consider Lithuania.  It's a small country, with four million people.  And, as I noted on this blog back in March 2010, it declared its independence from the Soviet Union in 1990 with little hope of success.  Yet, within two years, Lithuania had won its freedom and the Soviet Union had ceased to exist.  So here's my solution to how to subdue the Taliban: Let the Lithuanians take over Afghanistan.
They broke away from the Russians and caused the final downfall of the U.S.S.R.  Like the Afghans themeselves, they were able to defeat the Russians.  After achieving that, defeating the Taliban should be easy for Lithuania.
Because sometimes bigger isn't always better.   

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