Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Clarification and Follow-Up: February 8, 2012

I have been told that a long blog entry is no good, because it's too cumbersome to read online.  There's another problem: When you write a long blog entry and you have to get it out as soon as possible owing to the timeliness of the subject, it can be completely free of spelling errors but still have something wrong with it. So I need to issue a clarification of my long annual winners and losers lists for 2011" In declaring Woody Allen a winner of the year because of his latest movie, his "love letter to the American literature and music of the 1920s," I omitted the title of the movie.  It was, of course, Midnight in Paris.  I have since corrected the original post.
Meanwhile, I'm guessing that one of my posts has offended fans of an overrated fiftysomething Italian-American scam artist with a large following.  I am, of course, talking about Rick Santorum.  Earlier today I made reference to the fact that he and his wife slept in a hospital bed with their dead baby son between them by saying his Lakota Indian name would be "Sleeps With Dead Babies."  Admittedly, this makes him sounds sick.  Because, he is.  Some people might think that I should apologize to Santorum for offending his sensibilities.  Well, here again is some of the shtick about Rick.  He opposes all forms of health care reform.  He hired a campaign  staffer who says that God decreed that a woman shouldn't be President of the United States.  He says global warming is a hoax.  He likened homosexual relationships to bestiality.  He dismissed black people as parasitical welfare dependents.
So here's my point: I'll stop offending Rick Santorum's sensibilities when he stops offending mine.

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