Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just When You Thought It Was Safe . . .

It looked like we'd be getting an extension of the payroll tax cut and benefits for the long-term unemployed, but today Republicans opted to send the extension bill passed by the Senate in a bipartisan vote into conference between the two chambers.  House Republicans thus avoid the responsibility of voting against the extensions by technically voting for Senate co-operation on a bill they won't vote on without a conference and compromise.  Republicans insist that they'd prefer a one-year extension rather than a two-month extension for these cuts and benefits - and bringing this bill up in conference would obviously allow them to dictate their terms for the provisions for a one-year extension.  Maybe a one-year extension is better than a two-month extension, but at least a two-month extension of these key incentives would buy some time for Congress.  And with 2012 being a leap year, we'd at least get a one-day extension built in before a necessary vote on extending them longer by March 1!
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) hopes that public pressure against House Republicans wall cause them to cave in and approve the Senate bill.  Right.  What planet is Schumer living on? House Republicans don't cave - Senate Democrats do!
Oh yeah, the Stop Online Piracy Act is back on the front burner.  Representative Lamar Smith (R-TX), a key proponent of the legislation, is pushing for a House vote on the bill this week before the holiday break despite earlier indications that it would not happen immediately.
No rest or satisfaction for the good guys. Stay thirsty, my friends.    

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