Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, it's December 31, another year over.  I suppose I should look forward to the new year, and I usually believe that a new year that begins on a Sunday offers the freshest of starts; a new year, a new day, a new month, a new week.  But not if it's a leap year.  January 1 of leap year falling on a Sunday means that February 29 falls on a Wednesday - giving the bleakest month of the year five hump days - and it means that next December 31 will be a Monday.  Who wants to end a year on a Monday?
Be that as it may, I have something to tell my readers. For years, I've been dreaming about traveling overseas, something I've never done.  I'd love to go to London; a friend of mine who went there said she noticed my  "London envy" when I commented on her pictures of her London vacation on Facebook.  I'd also like to see Paris and Munich, and I would like to go with my mother to Italy and see the seaside town on the Adriatic where her father was born.  I'd also like to find myself a girlfriend, and I would like to start looking by going on something I've never experienced - my first date. Finally, my mother has been pressing me to go back to school and get a master's degree, preferably in education so  I can become a teacher, or take some graduate courses in journalism.
So here's my announcement: I'm not going to do any of those things in 2012, and this time next year, I probably won't have any plans to do these things in 2013 either.
See you next year? Happy holidays.

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