Members of Congress, especially Republican members, say that the debt ceiling deal passed and signed into law by the President today will save a lot of money, and the $917 billion in spending cuts (mostly affecting public amenities) agreed to will help the economy.
I'm not buying it.
They also say that the lack of tax increases will make the government more responsible with the people's money and encourage more job creation.
I'm not buying it.
They say the bipartisan commission that will look into greater cuts totalling $1.5 trillion will be fair and equitable.
I'm not buying it.
But mostly, folks like John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy all say this is a good deal for the American preople.
I'm not buying it.
Here are some of the other things I'm not buying - a new car, a plane ticket to Paris, a house, or an expensive Christmas present for my mother.
Thanks to the way Washington is running the economy, I can't afford any of that.
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