Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gay Marriage In New York

After a lot of toil and false starts, the New York state legislature legalized gay marriage in the Empire State, and the bill now goes to Governor Andrew Cuomo for his signature.
I just have six words in response: Andrew Cuomo for President in 2016! :-D
A lot of work had to be done by gay rights activist groups to get the bill through a state Senate dominated by republicans, who tend to be as comfortable with gays marrying as they are comfortable living in black neighborhoods. Most of them wouldn't support it, but enough brave Republican souls crossed the line and voted their conscience. It's a huge victory for Cuomo, who's already enjoying record popularity for a first-year governor. True, New York is only the sixth state to legalize gay marriage (as well as the District of Columbia), but bear in mind that New York has a population equal to these other five states and Washington, D.C. put together, and it probably has a higher percentage of homosexuals within its borders. So this is a big deal.
In New Jersey, homosexuals will have to settle for civil unions for the time being. Governor Christie is a gay rights advocate like I'm a jet pilot. But, of course, many states haven't even gotten as far as civil unions.

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