Thursday, September 23, 2010

Louisiana: Support Charlie Melancon For U.S. Senate

So Louisianians know why they should vote against their current incumbent Republican U.S. Senator. But why vote for his Democratic opponent, Charlie Melancon? I have made the case for him already, but not in particularly good detail
Well, why don't I flesh out some of Mr. Melancon's stands on some of the issues? As a U.S. House member, he has seen too much federal spending go to various projects through out the country that aren't needed - how about that bridge to nowhere in Alaska? while Louisiana has gotten the short end of the the baton. Mr. Melancon has stood for lower taxes and less spending but believes in giving tax cuts to the people who need it - Louisiana's middle class. He wants to provide tax breaks and credit for businesses to create jobs, not to enrich the wealthy.
Mr. Melancon believes in federal spending - but the kind of federal spending that will make a difference. Ha wants get more federal aid for restoring coastal wetlands and preventing the erosion that has left properties and property values in the state sink.
While Republicans talk about cutting the deficit, Mr. Melancon has consistently supported balancing the budget. He has also been consistent on health care reform, keeping a hybrid private-public system in place but supporting regulations on insurance companies to keep them from denying insurance to those with pre-existing conditions.
Mr. Melancon has a principled stand on abortion - he's pro-life - and supports the right to bear arms, and while I do not personally agree with him on those issues, many Louisianians do, and this puts him in sync with the state's voters. Louisianians can trust him. Mr. Melancon - unlike his opponent has lived family values. He talks the talk and walks the walk.
That's why I am endorsing Mr. Charles Joseph Melancon for United States Senate.
Please note that the name of his opponent never came up in this post.
(More on Charlie: .)

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