Monday, September 13, 2010

Kenya Believe It?

I just have one thing to say to Newt Gingrich for suggesting that President Obama is a "con artist" motivated by a Kenyan, "anti-colonial" world view to avenge British colonialism in his ancestral homeland and somehow being guided by the influence of his late father.

Thank you!

Thank you, Newt, for exposing yourself and your fellow Republicans - including Dinesh D'Souza, who started this Kenya theory - as crackpots and lunatics who will stop at nothing to impede the progress of the middle class and use any tactic, however underhanded and ill-contrived, to regain power to benefit the rich white men who have made the world in general and America in particular a nastier, meaner place! Thank you, Newt, for lighting a fire under the American left - maybe this will encourage Democrats, not to mention blacks, to come out and vote in the midterm elections in massive numbers to blunt the insurgency on the right, as your comments about Bill Clinton and his sex scandal did in the 1998 midterm election, which caused your resignation as Speaker of the House.

Hey, Newt, didn't you say something about Obama's father directing the President's economic policies form the grave? Oh, is that voodoo economics? Gee, Newt, I thought you were smarter than that, beleiving in folk magic and all that rot. Anti-British colonialism? What could be more American than that? That was the whole point of the American Revolution, wasn't it? Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams and the rest kind of got sick and tired of being colonial subjects, so they started a new country devoted to freedom - you know, what you purport to fight for?

You're a real scumbag, Newt, but I'm sorry to say who have yet to reach scumminess of Vitterian proportions. But when you do get to be as disgusting and as reprehensible as the junior senator from Louisiana, you'll hear it from me. Oh my, yes.

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