Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Witchcraft

Bill Maher, commenting on Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell, noted that the Republicans may still have a shot at winning Joe Biden's old Senate seat because O'Donnell, unlike Sarah Palin, comes across as a nice, sweet person. But he probably increased the chances of Chris Coons, O'Donnell's Democratic opponent, to win in November when, on his HBO show, he played a clip of O'Donnell from his old show "Politically Incorrect" - the clip was from around 1997 - saying that she "dabbled" in witchcraft.
So O'Donnell was actually involved in diabolical rituals and learned how to cast spells on people? Kind of what Palin is famous for!
I want to laugh, but I also want to cry - I mean, she could be in the United States Senate in four months! This is a woman, after all, who has theorized that of scientists creating mice with human brains. (I think the opposite theory - humans with mouse brains - is more plausible, especially in explaining why Democrats are always caving in to conservatives!) But the more I learn about her, the more I feel sorry for the poor girl. She comes across as a sweet naive young woman who doesn't know what she's talking about and doesn't even know what she's saying half the time. She's like a cross between Sally White - Mia Farrow's ditzy character in Woody Allen's Radio Days - and an MSNBC morning talk show host who obviously needs the guidance of a smarter, savvier sidekick. But I'm not here to discuss Joe Scarborough. ;-)
As for her witchcraft, I can imagine O'Donnell over a hot cauldron trying to put a curse on Mike Castle, and - possibly by twitching her nose - hexing Karl Rove for opining that she's a flawed candidate. And I'll bet she really looks cute in one of those pointed hats! Maybe, if elected, she'll continue to live in Delaware and commute to Washington by broom! But after sending to the Senate heavyweights like Joe Biden, William Roth, and Thomas Carper, is Delaware really serious about sending to the Senate a self-professed ex-witch with the perkiness of Samantha and the maturity of Sabrina?
O'Donnell has laughed off the witchcraft remark, and it will probably give her the free media she wants, but her wackiness is bound to illicit laughter and fear in many voters. Rove may have had his bark stripped for suggesting she's a weak candidate, but he's been proven right every day since the Delaware primary. I just want to know one thing - if O'Donnell gets into the Senate, will her economic agenda be referred to as "Wiccanomics?" :-D
Chris Coons is probably thrilled that Bill Maher showed this clip; I'll bet he could kiss him for this! I wouldn't recommend it. O'Donnell will only make insinuations against Coons and ask him where his "man pants" are.

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