Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crossed Christie

Chris Christie's incompetence as governor of New Jersey has come to the fore with the recent failure of the state to qualify for federal funding under President Obama's "Race To the Top" program. He placed a fellow conservative, former Jersey City mayor Bret Schundler, in the office of state education commissioner and relied on him to provide Washington with the state school financial information from 2008 and 2009, only to have erroneously complied figures for 2010 and projected figures for 2011 turned in. Christie blasted Obama for not taking the correct figures Schundler supposedly filed in the middle of August and allowing the state to fall short of "Race To the Top" funding by 4.8 points, but it turned out that Schundler never made the correction.
The blame went from Obama to back and forth between Christie and Schundler, each one blaming the other for the mistake. Schundler was fired, and Christie's attempt to reform education in this state has been dealt a serious setback. This past Monday, Schundler was finally forced to admit that he screwed. Christie has been trying to portray himself as a reformer with results, but he hasn't shown much in the way of results or reform with his arrogant, lax approach to governing.
And Schundler has no job prospects and likely won't qualify for unemployment benefits.

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