Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Skype's The Limit

I knew there was something I was forgetting. . . .
One other technological mishap I had this past week involved Skype, a computer program that allows you to make and receive phone calls through a personal computer and a program that I rarely used. I got it because an editor of Web site I was doing some volunteer copyediting for thought it would be a good way to communicate with me.
Anyway, few days ago, when Skype was loading and connecting onto my PC, I got some kind of warning screen - the red X, the ominous musical note, you know the kind - alerting me of a misread font or something like that involving Skype. I didn't know what that meant; I just knew it was something bad. I tried to contact someone at Skype to ask what the problem was, but I couldn't find a way to connect with any tech support person. Keywords entered in the help screen were no help at all. It then occurred to me that I almost never used Skype. Skype was always slowing down my boot-ups. Skype was giving me a problem I hadn't encountered before. So - why not uninstall Skype? So I did just that.
And the Web site I was editing for? Right. I haven't edited for them for several weeks. Contributions to the site slowed down to a trickle.
Skype is hype.
Will I re-install Skype at a later date? Maybe - when I get around to buying the headset the Web site editor recommended.

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