Sunday, August 29, 2010

Charlie Melancon For U.S. Senate From Louisiana

I am taking this opportunity to declare that this blog endorses Charlie Melancon for the Untied States Senator from Louisiana. And this blog does so wholeheartedly, enthusiastically, and unreservedly.
Why so early. Because even though I gave Louisiana readers of this blog several reasons to vote against David Vitter, I haven't explained why they should vote for Charlie Melancon.And ideally, people should have someone to vote for rather than just someone to vote against.
Charlie Melancon is a small businessman who has run a chain of ice cream parlors and an insurance agency, and so he's connected to the lives of everyday Louisianians far more than Vitter is. He was elected to the U.S House of Representatives in 2004, where he has developed a strong reputation for reaching across the aisle to pass necessary legislation. He has supported more health care funding for Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, he is strongly in favor of a balanced budget (something Republicans like Vitter have had trouble doing more than paying lip service to). Mr. Melancon's efforts to accomplish things for the good of the nation have earned him a rating from the nonpartisan group Knowlegis as one of the most effective members of Congress.
Mr. Melancon has also been at the forefront to get BP to clean up the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and be held fully accountable for the disaster. He cares about Louisiana and the country, and he is a Democrat who works for and with the people.
I can't say it often enough - Charlie Melancon is a man to vote for, and the fact that voting for him is voting against David Vitter is merely a benefit to casting such a ballot. Mr. Melancon deserves to be in the United States Senate no matter who is Republican opponent is.
Vote for Charlie Melancon on November 2, Louisiana. :-)

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