It's probably not going to happen for awhile, but with Rod Blagojevich almost certainly a goner, and Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White's signature legally deemed unnecessary for an appointed U.S. Senator to take his seat, it looks like Roland Burris will be seated in Washington after all, although his seating might be out off until Blagojevich is removed from office by the Illinois state Senate.
Burris already has the makings of a United States Senator. He's egotistical, self-assured, and highly pompous. It makes sense that Blagojevich would appoint him - he identifies with him! After , the Rodster insists he will stay in office because he's done nothing wrong.
At least Blagojevich doesn't have a grand mausoleum that would embarrass a king ready for him when he dies, as Burris does. But the governor has one annoying habit that's almost, if not just, as bad as that. He quotes British poets and novelists in just about every public statement he makes. He thinks he's showing off a cultured, educated background, but what he's really doing is showing everyone how he can memorize a profound quote, no matter how moot it is to his situation.
It's just Rappin' Rodney, make no mistake . . .
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