Saturday, December 13, 2008

Spreading The Slime

Rod Blagojevich is not only a slimy politician, he's been spreading the slime to others. Now it turns out that foreign special interests have lobbied on behalf of Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr. to help him with a Senate he so clearly wants, even though there's no evidence that Jackson was personally involved or aware. Rahm Emanuel suddenly looks like he has something to hide. And the scandal has injured Obama himself, as he tries to be cool about it but looks somewhat defensive.
Pundits are already saying that Obama should moves to Washington as soon as possible and continue the transition there to get away from Blagojevich, who also tried to get the Chicago Tribune to fire members of the editorial board for their critical editorials in exchange for help with the Tribune company to sell Wrigley Field, home of the Chicago Cubs. (Obama is a White Sox fan.) Well, he'd like to move into Blair House across the street from the White House to get his daughters started in school after the holiday break, but Bush won't let him. He's using the historic house to host parties to celebrate his legacy.
But he hasn't saved Detroit yet.

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