Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lack Of Duty

Noted book-banning wolf killer Sarah Palin has been doing a steady round of talk shows to promote herself as a potential candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, now that the election is over. It seems that the same woman who had trouble communicating with the press during the campaign can't shut up!
Palin blames her baptism by fire on the handlers in the Republican party, whom she dismisses as "jerks" for complaining about her difficult attitude, and she keeps insisting she had no interest in banning any books from her local library in Wasilla, Alaska, such as the Harry Potter books. I guess she didn't; she can't even seem to remember when they were published, so she couldn't have banned them if she didn't know they existed.
George Walker Bush, meanwhile, marked his last Veterans' Day as President at the rededication of the Intrepid Air and Space Museum in New York. He lamented that he will miss being Commander-in-Chief. Just like he missed his duty in the Texas Air Guard when he was given the dangerous task of defending the border with Mexico during the Vietnam War, in case Pancho Villa made another raid on the U.S. Except that Pancho Villa was already dead.

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