Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cuba Si, Dubya No

George W. Bush primped and preened again for the news cameras on the subject of Cuba, indicating that Fidel Castro and his beard are not long for this world, that the stirrings of resentment toward the Cuban government are stirring, and when the Cuban people revolt to bring democracy back to the island (which was snuffed out not by Castro in 1959 but by Fulgencio Batista in 1952) we, the American people, will stand beside them.
News flash: We Yankee gringos stand alone. Most countries, including China, Venezuela, and good buddies of ours like the United Kingdom and Canada already invest in Cuba (something we can't do due to the embargo). Fidel Castro handed power over to his brother Raul when he became ill without any trouble or stirring of revolt whatsoever (the way George W. would have liked to hand power over to Jeb in January 2009). Plus, Bush's insistence that the Cuban army and police should join with the people and march on Havana when Castro finally dies has all the appearances of instigating instability where there is none.
There is no revolution in Cuba brewing, though once someone provides pictures, Bush will likely provide the war. Could this be why Castro suggested that Bush was trying to create a third world war? To paraphrase Bob Dylan, I think it can be very easily done.
Remember 45 years ago this time? At least there aren't any Russian missiles in Cuba now. :-O

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