South Dakota is poised to pass a new law banning all abortions in the state except in cases of the mother's life being in danger - no exceptions for rape or incest - in an attempt to strike a fatal blow to Roe vs. Wade as of George W. Bush's two appointments to the Supreme Court have taken their seats. When I first heard about this, I thought to myself, "This is a violation of my civil liberties and an assault on my constitutional rights!" And I'm not even a woman! (Nor am I from South Dakota!)
Obviously, more here is at stake than just abortion. How about a little thing called, uh, privacy?
The law might actually fail to pass judicial muster, and it's going to be challenged in the courts almost immediately. Also, John Roberts and Samuel Alito have not ruled out upholding Roe v. Wade through stare decisis, and even if they did vote to strike down the 1973 decision legalizing abortion, they'd likely still be in the minority. In the meantime, abortion rights activists are wondering what they can do to protest South Dakota's action. I suppose they could organize a boycott of tourism and travel to the state. But let's face it; the only reason to visit South Dakota is to see Mount Rushmore, and anyone who supports legalized abortion is just the sort of person who wouldn't visit such a shrine (giant busts of four dead white guys) anyway. :-O
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