Friday, March 24, 2006

Basques In the Shadows

The Basque separatist group ETA in Spain, known for its violent terrorist attacks to achieve an independent Basque state in the northern part of the country, made an announcement that it seeks a permanent cease-fire with the Spanish government and wants a constructive solution for the Basque region's future after causing over eight hundred deaths in the past four decades. Even they were repelled by the al Qaeda bombings in Madrid two years ago, and they now believe that dialogue is preferable to destruction.
Except that they haven't agreed to surrender their arms. That's probably why the ETA members remain anonymous, having delivered their message on a videotape but remaining masked with beige hoods that suggested the appearance of the alleged aliens in Roswell, New Mexico.
ETA wants to stand for freedom and retain the right to carry weapons? They sound like the National Rifle Association. :-O

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