Wednesday, January 4, 2006

The Baby Boomers Are Turning Sixty

The oldest of the Baby Boomers, which include Bill Clinton and the dimwitted Texan who deposed his legitimately elected successor, turn sixty this year. This means the Baby-Boomer-dominated media will be doing stories ad infinitum, ad nauseum about the aging of their generation and their passage into the golden years. Get set for navel gazing galore.
Will the media be as interested when the elders of Generation X, of which I am one, turn sixty in 2025? I doubt it. Not only will the Baby Boomers still have great control over the media many years from now, they didn't seem very interested in the fact that we X elders turned forty in the year just gone by. They didn't care about us then; why should they care about us later? :-O

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