Saturday, January 7, 2006

The Abramoff Affair

It would probably take too long for me to explain the intricacies of the Jack Abramoff scandal in Washington, and it would probably take even longer to parse the lobbying laws to explain exactly what law or laws were broken. But the short version is this: A lot of money went to Republicans to help evil corporations, and now that spam has hit the fan! Tom DeLay gave up trying to get his House majority leader's post back today, and Republicans are worried how this will affect the midterm elections in November. (Answer - it won't. Americans have short memories.) Some congressional Republican leaders are trying to make this a bipartisan affair, citing Abramoff money going to some Democrats, but that was more by accident than design, as DeLay sought to cut off all ties between lobbyists and Democrats by blackmailing the K Street crowd to deal with the GOP exclusively, and Abramoff was instrumental in helping that gambit along. Democrats, trying to hide their glee, are now thinking of what they're going to do next. (Answer - nothing. They're not capable of leading the charge for reform. They're just not ready for prime time. Better let John McCain handle it.)
Alice Fisher, an assistant attorney general, declared that democracy in America "is not for sale." No, it isn't. But it can be rented for a pretty penny.

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