Thursday, December 29, 2005

Houston's Losers

Hello, one and all. I'm here early today for reasons too random and complicated to explain. Anyway, I'm revisiting my list of winners and losers for 2005 for what will hopefully be the last time. ;-) Late news out of the Enron debacle is that Richard Causey, the doomed firm's former chief accounting officer, is negotiating with the government for a plea bargain deal that could delay the start of the trial of former Enron honchos Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling but could be very helpful to the government's case against them if Causey pleads guilty and cooperates fully with the prosecution.
So, on top of the Rita debacle, the Astros's World Series loss, and Tom DeLay, Houston now has one more wound to lick in the form of the latest unfolding chapter in the Enron saga - which could bring even more disgrace upon Lay and Skilling, once two of the Oil City's most respected businessmen. Houston, you have more than a problem - you have several of them! :-O

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