A lot is going on right now, so I'll be brief:
Martha Stewart got five months in prison and another five months of house arrest for her role in an insider trading scandal. Boo-hoo-hoo! Come on, it's not like she's going to Alcatraz or something like that She'll likely go to a Club Fed. And house arrest? Can you imagine how luxurious and comfortable her house is? Think she'll mind not going out for a while? And after ten months of non-incarceration, she'll still be able to vote!
John Edwards is an exciting choice for the Democratic vice presidential nomination. John Kerry could have played it safe and gone with Richard Gephardt, a man he's more comfortable with, but Edwards brings much-needed pizzazz to the ticket. And it just might help Kerry win a Southern state or two.
The gay marriage constitutional amendment bill went down in flames. Good riddance. It's appalling that, with issues like Iraq, health care, and Social Security reform to worry about, rhymes-with-glass-poles like Rick Santorum think that gay marriages threaten the mere existence of the Republic. Hey, Senator, ever consider and even greater threat to the Republic, like al-Qaeda? It's funny, though, seeing Vice President Cheney supporting the amendment, four years after having taken a position against it on the basis of the rights of the states to decide the issue for themselves - a position now held by his wife. This issue was meant to divide Democrats, and instead it's dividing Republicans! (A few GOP senators voted against the amendment.)
Marion Jones is going to Athens to compete in the long jump, and she might make the women's 4x100-meter relay team. Despite the unproven rumors of steroid use - so far it's only a case of guilt by her association with athletes who most likely have used steroids - she seems to be recovering from her earlier failure in the 100-meter qualifying race.
All right, I'm done for now . . ..
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