Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The Road From Damascus

The Syrian Civil War had been going on so long since it started in 2011 that no one outside Syria noticed it was still going on . . . except for those who noticed it and saw that it was a stalemate at best with President Bashar al-Assad having the upper hand.  

Then suddenly it flared up and the so-called experts said that it wouldn't affect Damascus.  Until the rebels entered Damascus and forced Assad to flee to Moscow.

And Tulsi Gabbard suddenly has a lot less currency. 😃

The Syrian people now have a chance to build the democratic republic that Iraq is still trying to be after twenty years.  The Iranians have lost their base of influence on the Mediterranean Sea.  And Vladimir Putin's sphere of influence, as of now, no longer includes countries that were not Soviet republics.  Putin now needs Donald Trump more than Trump needs Putin.

Then again, Trump might need Putin in the near future - when he's driven out of office by his own people.  I hope Vlad's dacha is big enough for two world ex-leaders!

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