Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Back to the Park

When I was forced to remove the bust of Abraham Lincoln that I contributed to Waverly Park, the local community park in my neighborhood, I was convinced that I would never contribute anything to the park again, bar only a couple of flowers here and there.  But a couple of folks in the neighborhood implored me to keep up the good work.  How could I say no?

I later found a small garden pillar that someone had thrown out, with a blue metal bowl on top of it.  I immediately got out of my car to put the pillar in the back, only to find out that the bowl had been glued to the pillar.  But I managed to separate the two after I got home.  I put the pillar in a garden bed. This is the result.

For now, at least, this will satisfy my desire to have something resembling public art in the park.  But I'm already working on another idea.   I remembered that part of the vacant lot on which the park was created by the neighbors - a strip of land that runs along my back yard, approximately three feet wide - may actually be on my side of the property line.  So I can put another bust on land that's on my side of the property line in a corner of the park - and put it right up against the line - and then landscape the square footage around the bust on either side of the property line so it looks like the bust is part of the park.  Which, for all intents and purposes, it will be.
The bust will be where the strip meets the sidewalk so it will be accessible.  It won't be a Lincoln bust, though.  I donated that bust to a library in another town nearby, so having another copy of the exact same bust of Lincoln doesn't make sense when the original bust is just a few miles away in another town in the same county.   So it will be a bust of another famous American.  I've narrowed it down to John F. Kennedy or Martin Luther King, Jr.  And yes, I like that Dion song.   

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