Monday, September 9, 2024

Make America What Again?

"'Make America Great Again?'"

"Yes, that's what Donald Trump wants to do, and that's why I support Donald Trump."

"Well, when was America last great?"

"Oh, I'd say, around the 1950s or so."

"So you want to go back to what made America great then?"


"What was it, then?  Was it rock and roll records from Chuck Berry and Little Richard?  Or Elvis?"

"Uh, no." 

"Was it the vibrant urban downtowns in cities like Detroit and Newark?"






"Hollywood movies like Mister Roberts and Rebel Without a Cause?"


"Social mores that had everyone dress in their best clothes even to go shopping?"

"Er, no."

"Malt shops?"


"President Eisenhower's steady, stable leadership?" 


"Three-cent first-class postage?" 

"Nuh . . . no!"

"Well, then, what was it that made America great then?"

"You don't know?"

"Oh, wait . . . white people being 87 percent of the U.S. population and having all the power?"

"Yes!  You couldn't get that sooner?  Are you kidding me?"

(Oh yeah, the 1950s, when this country was supposedly great, we also had Joe McCarthy, the Korean War, suppression of socialistic ideas, Pat Boone, Roy Cohn, the Edsel, sexual repression, racial segregation, chrome on just about every appliance you bought, no rights for women, and a lot of black people hanging on trees.  What's so "great" about any of that?)

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