Thursday, August 1, 2024

Olympic Comings and Goings

Too much to get to at the Olympics, and I know I won't even come close to getting to everything, but here it goes . . . 

Leon Marchand is quickly becoming France's Michael Phelps, having won two swimming gold medals and having competed in the Olympics to a home crowds - two things Phelps never did.  But they do have the same coach.
The U.S. men's gymnastics team won bronze in tem competition, which men's they're catching up with the women.  Maybe the men's soccer team will catch up with the women one day as well.  Ha ha! I make joke - something I tend to do whenever I mention the U.S. men's soccer team.
At 27 years of age, Katie Ledecky set an Olympic record in wining the 1,500m freestyle swim race.  People are already talking about her competing in 2028 . . . though that depends on who's President in 2028, where the 2028 Olympics are going to be, and whether the Trump dictatorship will let her compete or keep her home out of fear that she might defect. 
What can I say about Simone Biles . . .
. . . that hasn't already been said?  That's not a rhetorical question.  If you can answer it, please do so in the comment section below.
Finally . . . 
Congratulations to Daniel Wiffen, from my ancestral homeland of Ireland, for becoming the first male Irish swimmer to win an Olympic swimming gold medal (in the 800m freestyle).  By all accounts, it's a more meaningful accomplishment than that achieved by the first female Irish swimmer to win an Olympic swimming gold medal.

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