Saturday, August 31, 2024

Arlington Gets Trumped

I'm glad Trump survived that assassination attempt.  And not just because it would have put the country into a state of pandemonium.

Because there was a good chance, however unlikely, that Trump would have been buried at Arlington National Cemetery, along with two other Presidents, William Howard Taft and John F. Kennedy, who are buried there, which would have profaned its hallowed grounds.

Trump, using the headstone in the section where service personnel who died in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried, already profaned the grounds while still alive - for a pornographic photographic opportunity. 
Trump wanted to use this picture of himself with the relatives of the deceased servicemen to make political hay out of President Biden's messy withdrawal from Afghanistan, which Trump called the most embarrassing moment in American history, forgetting his own advice to inject bleach to kill the COVID virus. 
President Abraham Lincoln confiscated the Arlington estate of noted insurrectionist Robert E. Lee to create the cemetery.  Too bad an insurrectionist like Trump was allowed in for a naked campaign event. 😡 

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