Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's Over . . .

President Biden is withdrawing from the presidential campaign.

Thank you for your service, President Biden.

Now if the Democrats don't anoint Kamala Harris as the heiress apparent - the "Harris apparent" - I'm going to be ticked off.

I know I've had problems with Harris in the past, but those problems have long since been put to rest by her performance Vice President.  You go girl - and I hope that nice Jewish boy From New Jersey that you married becomes our first First Gentleman

To the Democrats, in reference to my previous post - You lost the Beatles.  Now go with Hendrix because you're going to lose with the Peppermint Trolley Company! 

And may I make a statement with regard to Trump's call for unity?

And may I  also say this about Donald Trump's professed commitment to democracy?

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