Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Plot Begins To Unravel

Nikki Haley is treating her second-place finish in New Hampshire as a victory of sorts, and she may have a point.  Although she lost New Hampshire by eleven percentage points, exit polls show that a majority of those who voted in the primary would not vote for Donald Trump in a general election matchup with Joe Biden and that Haley would do better against Biden with Republicans and independents than Trump.

Biden may be doing better against Trump and is doing very well among independents,  Recent polls show that, although his approval rating is still nothing to write home about, he actually beats Trump handily in New Hampshire and now has an edge in recent polling in Pennsylvania.

And Trump sees the handwriting on the wall that is closing in on him.  When Haley presented a cool, calm, collected persona in her sort-of-victory speech and declared that the campaign has just begun, Trump responded with the least gracious victory statement ever committed to video, thanking Haley's fellow South Carolinian Tim Scott for his endorsement  by saying that Scott must really hate Haley, who appointed Scott to his seat to complete an an unexpired term.

An embarrassed Scott quickly went up to him and said, "No, I just love you!"

No one's buying it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have here a bromance made a few feet below heaven.

Trump must be getting desperate because not only is he saying things like "We are an institute in a powerful death penalty" and "And my cream pie kitty ate an Armenian zapato con queso dipped in chocolate syrup" (I made up one of those - can you guess which one Trump actually said?), he's wearing more bronzer in the most pathetic attempt to look youthful and vigorous since Democratic presidential candidate Alan Cranston dyed what was left of his hair in 1984.  

Increasingly, Trump's last hope is that third-party candidates siphon enough votes away from Joe Biden (and I'll get to that later). 

By the way, what's the difference between Gene Simmons and Donald Trump? One is a sexist vulgarian who wears face paint in public and entertains white-trash audiences in big arenas. The other is a heavy-metal bass player.  😛  

And Nikki Haley is right when she says that New Hampshire is not the end of the presidential nomination process.  That would be New Jersey.  😛

The Carroll case?  I'll address that in a separate post.

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