Thursday, December 28, 2023

He's IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's official.  Former Maryland governor Martin O'Malley, who could have been the 45th President of the United States if not for Debbie Wasserman Schultz rigging the Democratic presidential nomination process, is now the leader of something smaller but no less of a big deal.  He is now the new commissioner of the Social Security Administration.

Once he gets settled into his new job after the holidays, he'll have his work cut out for him.  Social Security is expected to go bankrupt by its one hundredth birthday in 2035, and the SSA has enough trouble paying its recipients today.  Thankfully, O'Malley is up to the job because of his own obsession with everything senior pensions are about - numbers.  He knows numbers, he knows how to add and subtract them, he knows how to crunch them.  He can figure out how to make the system work the way it's supposed to.
Maybe O'Malley wasn't necessarily a good fit for the Presidency after all, since that office is about more than just smarter and more efficient government.  It's about relating to people, being the voice of the nation, and embodying the heart and soul of America - everything Joe Biden excels at.  O'Malley is a solid administrator and governor - "governor" meaning, at its core, "one who governs" - but he's never been proven to lead in the same way Bill Clinton or Barack Obama led.  O'Malley has the same abilities to run an administration efficiently in the same sense that Michael Dukakis did, and, needless to say, Dukakis never became President.
So that's it.  Martin O'Malley has the perfect job for his number-crunching, smart-government approach to public service.  And I'd like to thank those who felt as ticked off by how O'Malley was treated in 2015 and 2016 for following me.  I was happy to be not only your voice, but also your warrior, your justice, and your retribution.  We won the war, we've gotten justice, and our retribution is at hand.  Not the way we wanted it, necessarily, but we still got it.  And now  . . .

 . . . time for a Pop-Tart.
Sweet revenge best served cold. 😄

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