Sunday, April 30, 2023

Hitting The Ceiling

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's ability to get just enough votes to pass a federal-budget reduction resolution that cuts domestic spending while raising the debt ceiling has been seen as an empty victory that will never be endorsed by the Democratic Senate and will never get anywhere, and Speaker McCarthy won't be able to score any victories against President Biden.  Don't you believe it.  

Now that the resolution has passed, McCarthy can now say he has a plan to cut the debt and the deficit, and he can now challenge - and has challenged - the President into offering a proposal that both sides can negotiate over.  Biden says he will negotiate on the budget but he refuses to negotiate over the debt ceiling.  Biden doesn't get it.   Now that McCarthy has united House Republicans behind the resolution, he is never going to decouple the budget from the debt ceiling, and he can frame the argument by saying that he has taken a step toward resolving the issue while the President remains obstinate over it.  The optics will be terrible for the White House.  McCarthy knows how to manipulate things to get his way and advance his party's priorities.  

How do you think he got to be Speaker of the House?

Default is coming.  Be afraid.  Be very afraid. 

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