Sunday, January 29, 2023

More and More Classified Documents

Now the government has found classified documents in former Vice President Mike Pence's home.

And his house looks suspiciously like Joe Biden's.

Given that Pence is notoriously meticulous with things, it's likely that his aides put classified documents in files to be sent back to Indiana when Pence's vice presidential term ended without his knowledge.  The same is probably true for Biden, whose stash of classified documents go back to his vice presidential terms and his Senate tenure.

The National Archives and the Justice Department are urging all former Presidents and Vice Presidents to check for classified documents in their possession.  Jimmy Carter likely has a file pertaining to Lithuanian freedom fighters' plans against the Red Army, or maybe a document specifically explaining to the President why the Desert One hostage rescue was never going to work. 

And as the current President's files have had to be searched for classified documents from his days in the Senate, it's very likely that the current Vice President's files will be searched for classified documents from her days in the Senate, and the FBI will find . . . nothing.

And at that point, MSNBC's Zerlina Maxwell will insist that Kamala Harris must run for President in 2024 because, once again, it's up to black women to save America.

Because, you know . . . white guys can't file.  They can't type either, nor can they even answer the phone. 

On a more serious note, pundits think the discovery of classified documents in Pence's home defuses any political concerns over Biden.  Alas, it might also help Trump keep out of jail. 

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