Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Dear Governor O'Malley . . .

I'll offer my views of the midterm election results (such as they are) later.  But for now, I am ready to break my silence on my "secret plan" for spurring a future Martin O'Malley presidential campaign.  

I wrote a letter to him asking him to consider running for President again. 

That's right.  A letter.  Not an open letter somewhere, or a fantasy letter I had no intention of sending - a real letter, a postally sent letter, the sort of letter we used to write before e-mail was invented.

How did I do that?  How did I get O'Malley's address?  I got his address - his home address - off the Internet and I verified it.  (I will not, however, share his address or the identities of the sites I used to find and verify it.)   The body of my letter is confidential, but I will say this much; I wrote asking him to consider a presidential run in 2024 if and only if President Biden doesn't run again, arguing that I saw no chance of a successful 2024 presidential campaign from Pete Buttigieg, Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris, or Gavin Newsom.

Or Tim Ryan.  Especially Tim Ryan.  Two years after Democrats made it clear that they didn't want Ryan to run for President, Ohio voters made it clear that they didn't want Ryan to run for anything.  (I didn't mention Ryan in my actual letter.  Again, I'll save my comments on Ohio and other battleground states for another time.)     

I know that personally appealing to the former Maryland governor to run for President again despite his ignominious loss in 2016 is a long shot, and he made it clear in 2019 that he thought his viability as a presidential prospect has passed.  But Beto O'Rourke - whom O'Malley backed the former future Texas governor's 2020 presidential run - has seen his viability as an active politician pass, and the other leading prospects don't have any viability.    Folks, like Buttigieg, Sanders, Harris, and Newsom have star power or righteous indignation.  O'Malley has a record of achievement.

Anyway, I am mailing the letter today, and then I am going to sit back and wait for a reply.  We'll see what happens.

Keep your fingers crossed and your Pop-Tarts at hand. 😉

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