Thursday, October 6, 2022

Not Going Forward

The Senate election in Wisconsin looked to be the one that would finally send incumbent Republican Ron Johnson packing.  Democratic Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes (below) was ahead in earlier polls.  Now it appears that he's falling behind.

It appears that Johnson has - successfully, alas - tied Barnes to the rise in crime mainly due to the fact that he once voiced skepticism about policing and the fact that - hey, why don't I come out and say it? - Barnes is black.  Not to mention the fact that Barnes was named after the most famous black political prisoner of the twenty-first century, which makes for a pretty good dog whistle for Johnson to use in Wisconsin, the whitest state in the Great Lakes region.
Meanwhile, Johnson is on record as saying that the January 6 rioters were not in fact violent insurrectionists but in fact rioters who simply got a littel out of control. But hey, they stayed within the velvet ropes in the Rotunda, right? 
I can't believe that Johnson could be on his way to a third term on the issue of fighting crime when he's perfectly comfortable with the crimes the January 6 insurrectionists committed at the Capitol!
I gotta check my passport again . . . 

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